RoofCalcWriter v10.8.329 英文正式版(屋頂建築預算工具軟體)
簡單、 靈活。許多新的功能添加到 RoofCalWriter ,輸入您招標編號、 名稱地址,在短短
Our goal: Easy and flexible.
We have added many new features to RoofCalWriter with-out making
it more difficult to use. You can still just enter your bid
numbers, a name & address and get a saved estimate and a complete
material list in just a few minutes. We believe in adding
features you can use if you want, but don't have to.
You might think with so many forms and buttons how can it be easy
to use ?
The answer is: You can use these options, but you don't have to.
Here are some things you don't have to do:
?You don't have to add pitch to your bid.
?You don't have to select your roof pitch.
?You don't have to add materials for waste for roof, valleys,
hips and rakes.
?You don't have open your address book to get a phone number or
have contact information added to your bid.
?You don't have fill in a material price list to do detail
pricing or create a work order.
?You don't have to send your prices by email.
?You don't have click a button and view all the individual
numbers of your estimate.
?You don't have click a button and view your bid totals in
?You don't have add your prices to the price per square module
to have your price per square inserted with just a click.
?You don't have use quick bid to add extras you use often to
your bid.
?You don't have to click a button and get an online map to your
?You don't have to click a button and get a current online
weather report.
?You don't have press F1 and get detailed help instructions on
the task you are working on.
?You don't have to click a few buttons to produce custom written
proposals, invoices, change orders, letters and certifications.
The 3 main steps to arriving at a roofing estimate.
1. Measure the roof.
2. Add the numbers together and get your total squares.
3. Determine how much to charge per square or do detail pricing.
All three of these steps are extremely important and a mistake on
any one of the three could mean losing money. If you were to
choose one we would have to say measuring the roof would be most
important. RoofCalWriter can not help with measuring a roof, but
we do offer some roof measuring tips here and here.
Number 2 and 3 above is what the RoofCalWriter does.
RoofCalWriter totals up the estimate numbers you enter and
produces a material list and your total price. All of your
individual numbers are saved exactly as you entered them.
You can use The Price Per Square module to pre-determine how much
to charge per square for many different roofing situations. The
price per square does take some initial setup on your part. E.G.
Only you would know how much to charge for an 8/12 pitch, with
tear-off and OSB. Using Price Per square is optional.
