Smart Photo Import v1.9.5 英文正式版(幫助用戶管理和保存電腦中數碼照片軟體軟體)
Smart Photo Import是一款用來幫助用戶管理和保存電腦中數碼照片的軟體。它可以根據接
入設備的不同自動將照片分配到不同的文件夾中;可以直接讀取文件的exif 資訊並可按照各
Ever experienced that uncomfortable feeling of your picture files
being spread all-over your PC , with meaningless names and in a
highly unorganized fashion?
Unique in its conception, Smart Import is a Digital Media Importer
and Sorter.It greatly simplifies the task of keeping in order your
growing media collection. The software can perform different tasks,
the primary of which is taking photos and videos from your camera
or other device (PC Drive, flash, memory cards etc..), and copying/
moving them to a chosen destination at the same time performing an
automatic rename by subject, date or other criteria. It also
creates all the necessary folders, using the specified ordering
Another task is to reorganize your media files on your pc any time
you want. For this goal you can use different renaming and sorting
options and you can just drag-drop your files from windows explorer
into the Smart Import browser to have them ready for being
reorganized and renamed.
