Linotype FontExplorer X Pro v3.1.1 英文正式版(字體管理工具軟體)
由字體出版公司Linotype所推出的付費字體管理程式FontExplorer X Pro
專業級的字體管理工具. 可以輕鬆的分類整理字體. 並且方便挑選和啟用字體等.
FontExplorer X Pro 可以瀏覽在硬碟或光碟機中的所有字型,不論是安裝或未安裝的字型
FontExplorer X Pro is optimized for professional use; it's the
solution that gives you the power you need to manage all your
Now you can more easily manage, activate and organize your
existing font collection as well as find and experiment with
new fonts. Whether you've got a hard drive full of typefaces
or a few cherished families, FontExplorer X Pro handles your
font library quickly, efficiently and reliably. And when
you're ready to add to your collection, you can view thousands
of classic designs and the latest releases from independent
foundries using the integrated store.
![Linotype FontExplorer X Pro v3.1.1 英文正式版(字體管理工具軟體)](/softimage/BAN2866.jpg)