Pointdev Ideal Dispatch 2012 v6.2.0 英文正式版(遠端管理軟體)
IDEAL Dispatch 軟體可以管理軟體和伺服器、工作站上面的腳本的運行和安裝。你還可以遠端
的安裝 Windows 的補丁程式,運行你早期定義的一些腳本或者是在網路中更新的軟體產品。
IDEAL Dispatch 融合了三項中元素,它們是 IDEAL Dispatch Console,IDEAL Dispatch Server,
IDEAL Dispatch Agent。
IDEAL Dispatch provides remote installing and uninstalling of software,
remote running of scripts and programs, and remote actions (view, copy,
With the help of IDEAL Dispatch, you can remotely install Windows
patches, run scripts and msi files, uninstall programs, or update
software on all the servers and client workstations on your network.
