Sticky Password PRO v6.0.3.368 英文正式版(密碼管理程式軟體)
Sticky Password是一款密碼管理程式。Sticky Password有免費版和專業版。它可以隱藏並加
Password 可自動地填寫網頁表格和對話方塊窗口中的登錄和密碼區域。在任何曾經保存過密碼
的窗口上顯示一個粘貼按鈕。備份功能將保持所有密碼的安全存儲。Sticky Password 還允許
Sticky Password is the password manager and
form filler for everyone. Sticky Password is
your ticket to powerful passwords for
websites, applications and more.
You'll be safer on the Internet, and only
Sticky Password includes the portable version
that lets you take your data with you. For
maximum convenience and security, get Sticky
Password PRO today.
