Breez LocalAPK v1.5.2 x64 英文正式版(管理您的APK文件軟體)
Email : [email protected]
Reg.Code : 82789DE8CF3AA00B4A441424DF8330D2A33D24A0
- 定義掃描文件夾
- 檢查你的APK是最新
- (質量)重命名APK包名稱或應用程序的名稱
- (質量)刪除過時的APK
- 進行分組子目錄中的選項
- 著色設備相關的應用程序版本
- 播放遷移到谷歌的Android市場
- 傳輸設備通過APK文件的QR碼
- APK信息的基礎上運行命令
- APK外殼擴展功能
LocalAPK is the best way of managing your APK files. It contains
alot of features to make managing of APK files easier...
- Define scan folders
- Check if your APK's are up-to-date
- (Mass) Rename APK to package name or application name
- (Mass) Remove outdated APK
- Option for grouping subdirectories
- Coloring for device dependent app version
- Android Market to Google Play migration
- Transfer APK file to device through QR code
- Run commands based on APK information
- APK Shell Extension functionality
Great for people who don't have the Market pre-installed on their
android device or if you like to maintain a collection of APK's
on your own.
