Comfort Software Hot Alarm Clock v3.1.0.0 英文正式版(時間管理工具軟體)
Hot Alarm Clock是一個方便管理的報警程序,讓您的電腦變成一個強大的鬧鐘。
Hot Alarm Clock提供了無限數量的可調節鬧鐘,提供一次性喚醒呼叫和在每週的不同天或日
Hot Alarm Clock 配備了生日提醒方法,提醒您即將到來的生日或祝賀您和您的家人!
Turn Your Computer into a Powerful Alarm Clock
What could be a more powerful tool than a computer? With
gigabytes of memory and huge colorful display, your PC can
serve as a perfect alarm clock. It can play your favorite music
or let you use your favorite online radio station, use fixed or
increasing alarm volume, launch your favorite apps and open Web
sites on wakeup. It'll even conserve your computer power by
automatically waking it up from sleep mode and putting it back
to sleep when needed!
Use your PC to wake you up! Hot Alarm Clock is super flexible
and completely customizable. You can set a single daily wakeup
or configure multiple complex alarms triggering on certain days
of weeks, calendar days, weeks or months. The amount of
flexibility is enormous - there's just no match for what Hot
Alarm Clock can do in the world of stand-alone alarm clocks!
