Odin Password Secure Manager v8.8.8 英文正式版(密碼管理軟體)
Odin Password Secure Manager是一款密碼存儲解決方案,它將減輕密碼管理的沉
Odin Password Secure Manager is a very useful password
management tool to encrypt,protect and manage your
passwords.As a PC user, you will understand the need to
keep track of numerous passwords and names, especially if
you are also an Internet user. One solution is to write
them down or store them on your PC but this is risky.
Anyone can read your lists and gain access to your valuable
data or even worse, your bank account details. Odin
Password Secure Manager is a password storage program that
will relieve you of the password management chore while
offering you complete security and peace of mind. Your
precious information is stored as encrypted data that only
you can access.
