Xilisoft iPod Magic Platinum v5.4.10.20130515 英文正式版(所有功能於一身的iPod的管理軟體)
強大而全面的 Xilisoft iPod Magic 是所有功能於一身的iPod的管理工具,它提供了極
大的便利,是一個備份及同步 iPod 資料的完美方案。為您的備份,管理和傳輸的
iPod / iPhone音樂,電影,照片,書籍和iPod / iPhone和PC之間的iPhone鈴聲。它可
讓我們備份 iPod 上的影片、照片、音樂…等資料到電腦,當然也可將電腦上的影片、
照片、音樂傳送到 iPod。除此之外,它還能幫我們將影片或音樂,轉換成 iPod 可檢視
播放的格式。iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, CDMA iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iOS 4.2, iOS
4.3, iOS 5 的裝置能很好地支援。
Powerful and comprehensive, Xilisoft iPod Magic is an
all-in-one iPod manager tool which combines iPod transfer,
iPod rip and iPod converter. It can transfer music, movies,
photos, ebooks from iPod to PC/iTunes, and transfer iPod
compatible files from PC to iPod. It also enables you to
rip CD/DVD to excellent iPod files, convert various
audios/videos to iPod, and download and convert online
videos for enjoyable on iPod. Besides all of these, this
iPod manager can also connect multiple devices (all iPod
and iPhone models) simultaneously and transfer files
between them freely, preview and export photos and videos
shot by iPhone, manage your iPod as a portable hard disk,
and even create iPhone ringtones.
