Kaizen Software Training Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1193.0 英文正式版(員工訓練管理軟體)
一款員工訓練管理工具,Training Manager是一個易於使用的Windows應用程序,跟蹤完成員工培訓和培訓的要求。Training Manager提供了一個熟悉的「微軟Office」的外觀和感覺,許多用戶已經習慣於使用。
Training Manager提供了一個中央信息庫存儲和檢索您的培訓記錄,讓您能夠快速提供成績單和培訓的個人,團體或整個公司的合規性報告,通過電子錶格和文書工作。
Training Manager Benefits
Know who needs to be trained on what and when.
Now you can plan and prepare for training without the last
minute scrambling that occurs when recurring training becomes
due. Run a report to show overdue and upcoming training for the
next period of time that you define, and see what's coming up
while you still have time to prepare and schedule.
Easily track Employee Safety Training, HR Training,
Internal/External Training, and more.
Do you have employee training records stored in different
systems, file cabinets, or within various groups? With Training
Manager, you can consolidate these disparate systems into one
and always know where to find all your training records.
Manage and share your training data across your company in a
central repository.
Whether you want to provide more transparency to training
records for everyone or just standardize a back-office system
for training records administrators and managers, Training
Manager allows you to create login accounts to define who can
login, view, or edit the training records database.
Eliminate the tedious, time-consuming work spent preparing
training compliance reports.
If you have been working with a paper or Excel based tracking
system, you know how much work it takes to determine whether an
individual is compliant with required training. Summarizing
compliance metrics for a Group or the entire Company can be a
daunting task without a training records database. With
Training Manager, you can print these reports at any time
without the trouble of manually collating and preparing the data.
