Sticky Password v7.0.6.114 英文正式版(一款密碼管理軟體)
Sticky Password是一款密碼管理程序。Sticky Password有免費版和專業版。它可以
密碼。Sticky Password 可自動地填寫網頁表格和對話框窗口中的登錄和密碼區域。
存儲。Sticky Password 還允許你為單獨的賬戶擁有多個密碼以及進行多次登錄。
Log in And Check Out at Any Site in Just 5 Seconds!
Fill Out Forms Instantly
Sticky Password completes even the longest forms for you -
automatically. No need to register every time you shop or download ?
once you抳e stored your information in the password manager, you can
recall it instantly on any device whenever you need it.
Log In Automatically
With all that you do online, it抯 a challenge to create and remember
passwords for your favorite sites and apps ?whether it be email, social
networks, shopping, banking, magazines and other subscriptions, or
school and community groups.
Only One Password to Remember
Your master password is the only one you need to remember - Sticky
Password does the rest. If you have passwords set up already, just
import them when you install the software. And whenever you need a new
password, Sticky Password creates one for you - automatically.
Unbeatable Security
Sticky Password creates the strongest possible passwords and stores them
behind multiple layers of protection. Your password manager database is
encrypted with powerful encryption algorithms, including military-grade
AES encryption.
