Tax Assistant for Excel 2007 Professional v5.31 英文正式版(收入稅計算 Excel插件軟體)
EndNote 是一個著名的參考文獻管理軟件,用來建立個人參考文獻庫,並且可以加入
文本、圖像、表格和方程式等內容及鏈接等信息,能夠與 Microsoft Word 完美無縫
EndNote 有著易用的界面和強大的文獻搜索功能,對中文也支持良好,是科研工作者
過程中的文獻引用插入、SCI 期刊模板等方面,均可為用戶提供強大幫助。
文獻管理軟件我之前介紹過國產的 NoteExpress,而 Endnote X7 則是最經典的文獻
Millions of researchers, scholarly writers,
students, and librarians use EndNote to search
online bibliographic databases, organize their
references, images and PDFs in any language, and
create bibliographies and figure lists instantly.
Instead of spending hours typing bibliographies, or
using index cards to organize their references, they
do it the easy way-by using EndNote! And EndNote Web
is included with EndNote so you can collaborate with
others easily. EndNote for Windows and Macintosh is
a valuable all-in-one tool that integrates the
following tasks into one program:
* Search bibliographic databases on the Internet
* Organize references, images, PDFs and other files
* Watch the bibliography and figure list appear as
you write!
* Collaborate using EndNote Web, the Web-based
research and writing component of EndNote
EndNote has always been the smart choice for
advanced, yet easy bibliographies. Now, you may even
call it brilliant with new intelligent features that
make your life easier and give you more time to
write about what matters most-your research.
