The Complete Genealogy Builder v2013 英文正式版(打印管理軟體)
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Abelsoft CleverPrint 2014是由Abelssoft出品的一款打印管理工具。前些天其實免費
贈送過一次Abelsoft CleverPrint 2014,只是當天愛分享沒有時間發佈,不過好在現
在又有了新的活動,有興趣的朋友可以領取了。Abelssoft是屬於Ascora GmbH旗下的,
經常進行一些贈送活動,還會贈送一些最新版的軟件。Abelsoft CleverPrint 2014可以
The Complete Genealogy Builder is a new genealogy data management
program that provides 99.9% genealogy data standards compliance via a
user interface that delivers maximum data visibility, rapid navigation
capability, and layered data entry forms.
Whether you are starting from scratch or seeking a better alternative to
your existing genealogy data management program, there is no other known
product that is more standards compliant, that provides the full range
of GEDCOM-standard data fields, and that supports all international
(Unicode) character sets.
Includes all of the basic capabilities of "The Complete Genealogy
Reporter". (Full report preference option specification and section
customization is enabled only when The Complete Genealogy Reporter is
separately installed and registered.)
