Bibble Labs Bibble Pro v5.2.3 英文正式版(數碼相機內圖像數位化處理軟體)
RAW(將數碼相機內部沒有進行任何處理的圖像數據、 即CCD等攝影元件直接得到的電信號進
行數位化處理)格式轉換和圖像處理流程軟體。 能快速和容易地轉換、處理、輸出高質量的
單反數碼相機照片。特點:修正效果立即可見的live功能; 編輯保持功能能自動保存你的設
Bibble 5 is an ambitious project to revolutionize Digital
Photographic Workflow. Expanding on Bibble 4's speed and power,
Bibble 5 is designed to unite unparalleled photographic editing
capability and blazing speed in a sleek, modern interface.
Bibble 5 offers Complete Selective editing - apply essentially any
image adjustment to the whole image, or just a portion of the image
- Asset Management that is fast and flexible, and an intuitive
design that's easy to learn, and is up to 88 times as fast as other
similar applications.
![Bibble Labs Bibble Pro v5.2.3 英文正式版(數碼相機內圖像數位化處理軟體)](/softimage/CAD9129.jpg)