InSpyder Photo Lab v3.2.1 英文正式版(圖像編輯軟體)
Photo Lab from Inspyder is a powerful tool that makes bulk
image editing easy. It's simple to use interface allows you to
make changes to multiple images at once. Just select the
images you want to edit, choose the appropriate effects and
click 'Save'. Rotate images, add watermarks, resize and more!
There's no limit to what you can do with Photo Lab. Download a
free trial copy today and try Photo Lab for yourself!
Photo Lab is the fast, easy way to do bulk image manipulation.
Whether you're a hobbyist or professional photographer,
modifying a large number of images in bulk is boring and time
consuming. Photo Lab allows you to quickly apply the same
edits to multiple images so you can spend more time doing what
you love; taking great pictures!
Photo Lab isn't just for photographers. If you're a web or
graphic designer and work with a large number of images on a
regular basis, Photo Lab can save you time too. Creating
thumbnails can be tedious. Speed up your work flow with Photo
Lab. Easily resize and rename images in bulk!
