SIDEFX HOUDINI MASTER V12.0.543.9 WIN32 VC9 英文正式版(視覺效果創建軟體)
check crack\install.txt
SIDEFX HOUDINI MASTER Side Effects Software的旗艦級產品,是建立高級視覺效果
的終極工具,因為它的橫跨公司的整個產品線的能力,Houdini Master為那些想讓電
Houdini 是一個特效方面非常強大的軟體。許多電影特效都是由它完成:指環王中「甘
Houdini Master is the most complete visual effects and animation
solution available. This award-winning and production-proven product
handles the most challenging shots without the need for additional
plug-ins or an army of programmers.
Film production facilities can rely on Houdini Master to help them
create stunning feature film effects and character animation.
![SIDEFX HOUDINI MASTER V12.0.543.9 WIN32 VC9 英文正式版(視覺效果創建軟體)](/softimage/CAD9373.jpg)