PhotoLine v17.03 英文正式版(圖形編輯軟體)
這是一個強大的圖形編輯程式,功能不比 Paint Shop Pro 差,同樣可以向 ACDSee 一樣
快速瀏覽目錄下的所有圖片。支援 Layer,並且內建許多現成的濾鏡和特效功能,輕輕鬆
An imaging software, image browser, layout program, vector editor,
batchconverter and web editor with many functions. The imaging
functions offers all tools you need: Painting, cloning, filtering,
blending and flood fill, special effects like squirl, shadow,
glowing, distorb, morphing, 3d projection. Working layers,
clipping layers, dynamic layer effects. Support of CMYK images, 16
bit per color channel, ICC profiles, EXIF digital camera data.
Multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filters and much more. Support
for many picture formats. The image browser shows your image
folders, you can copy, add/remove folders, show image information,
Create empty sheets of paper, place your images, text, vector
graphics on it. Many more features.
