AutoFX DreamSuite Ultimate v1.36 英文正式版(數字照片夢幻特效濾鏡軟體)
著名圖像軟體公司 AutoFX 的作品 Dreamsuite 堪稱 Photoshop 的造夢者 ,作為功能
強大的濾鏡編修工具,提供有超過100種的特技效果。DreamSuite 可以作為獨立的軟體
工作,也可以作為Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Elements 和 PaintShop Pro 的插件使用。
其中圖像軟體 DreamSuite 系列1,其中包含18種特殊的效果,包括照片邊框,雕刻,裂
DreamSuite 系列2 可以使你的作品更具藝術氣息,非常容易就增強了你的創造性。
DreamSuite 系列2 包括了12 種不同樣式中,利用這些模版,製作出不同的畫框風格。
DreamSuite Gel(凝膠)系列是讓你建立震動和半透明的彩色藝術品和圖像的一個有趣視覺
藝術工具。 DreamSuite Gel 系列允許你加入驚人的反射和折射效果。
DreamSuite Ultimate is a suite of powerful visual effects that
allow anyone, professionals or novices alike, to create beautiful
images and artwork. DreamSuite lets you achieve visual results
that are difficult or impossible to attain using any other
software. Now we have added 12 new effects to the already well
established product base to the DreamSuite Series. In DreamSuite
Ultimate you not only get these brand new artistic effects, you
also get all the content formerly in the 3 products known as
DreamSuite Bundle. This includes an upgraded version of DreamSuite
One, DreamSuite Two, and DreamSuite Gel. We have added several
presets for each product of the past as well as the new artistic
content. This is the perfect blend of artistic effects for those
wating to enhance their digital images like the Masters of Old, as
well as the perfect tools for Graphic Artists and Web Designers.
Create amazing results with all of your digital images and see
what magical expressions you can create with simple, easy to use
tools applied to your digital canvas. The DreamSuite series of
effects work as a stand-alone application and as an Adobe
Photoshop plug-in for Mac and Windows users.
