Luxand Blink Pro v2.4 英文正式版(人臉識別軟體)
Luxand Blink! 是款很神奇的面部識別工具,可以讓你不用每天打開電腦時輸入長長的密碼,
而通過攝像頭識別面部來登錄 Windows Vista/7。
不過這類軟體往往與其他品牌不通用。Luxand Blink是一個第三方的人臉識別軟體,通用性好,
Blink! Pro makes logging into Windows happen in a blink of
an eye. Just look into a webcam, and Blink! Pro will
identify your face and let you in instantly. It has never
been easier! Blink! Pro employs advanced biometric
identification technologies to ensure secure
near-instantaneous authentication.
![Luxand Blink Pro v2.4 英文正式版(人臉識別軟體)](/softimage/CAD9544.jpg)