Pearl Mountain Image Converter v1.2.8.1577 英文正式版(圖像批轉換軟體)
轉,裁剪,加水印,應用效果以及在同一時間內在數千張圖片上添加邊框。AnyPic Image
Converter支援60多種最流行的圖像格式,包括JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG,PSD, GIF, TGA, ICO,
PDF, RAW 等等。
Convert images to other formats, resize, rotate, crop, add watermark,
apply effects and add border to thousands of images at a time
- Supports 60+ image formats, including JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PSD, GIF, TGA,
ICO, PDF, RAW and many others.
- Convert multiple image files from different formats to desired format in
one time with a few mouse clicks.
- Output Images with Highest Quality.
