EximiousSoft Business Card Designer v3.70 英文正式版(名片設計軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
EximiousSoft Business Card Designer 是一款強大且易於使用的名片設計軟體。
EximiousSoft Business Card Designer 提供了上百個預置的範本、背景圖片、徽
EximiousSoft Business Card Designer is a powerful yet easy
software for designing business cards.It works like a great
image editor that supports to add logoes. images. texts.
symbols. shapes. drop shadows. lines and curves to your art
work. Each one is used as a layer to be edited visually and
all of them are composed to final products. EximiousSoft
Business Card Designer provides hundreds of preseted
templates. background image. logoes. shapes. symbols and
gradient style. By that you can crate professional looking
cards with only simple clicks even you have no design
