MDI Converter v4.3 英文正式版(MDI和其他圖像檔查看和轉換軟體)
MDI Converter 是一款windows系統下的MDI和其他圖像檔查看和轉換工具。你可以
使用MDI Converter來轉換MDI檔到單個PDF檔,文字檔案、圖像檔如jpg.bmp.tif和
MDI Converter(or named MDI Viewer) is a windows utility
that view or convert mdi file or other image formats. With
MDI Converter users can convert mdi file to a single pdf
document, Text file or image formats like jpg, bmp, tif and
png. It also be used as other image formats converter,such
as tiff to pdf or tif to pdf.
