Engelmann Photomizer Pro v2.0.12.320 英文正式版(數碼照片復古效果模擬軟體)
新的 Photomizer Pro-優化您的數碼照片,
復古效果模擬功能。Photomizer Pro 的復古過濾器可以幫助您模擬老相機和黑白膠片非常
Charming and innovative: Photomizer Pro turns the image
editing upside down: If the predecessor polished up old
photos it is now exactly the other way round. With the
simulation of old cameras and black-and-white films,
Photomizer Pro helps you revive the very special charm of
past eras in your digital photos. For this purpose the
program was equipped with special retro filters, with which
you can reproduce the peculiarities of many historic cameras
and film material that has not been available for a long
time. Together with the new frames you guarantee a lot of
surprising effects in your digital slide shows and photo
