HDRSoft Photomatix Pro v4.2.5 French 英文正式版(HDR圖像處理軟體)
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HDRsoft Photomatix Pro用來處理同一場景下不同曝光設置的照片。這些照片稱為包圍曝光照
Photomatix Create stunning photographs of high-contrast scenes
If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even
the best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat shadows.
The solution is High Dynamic Range (HDR) processing:
- Take multiple photographs at varying exposure levels
- Merge the photos in Photomatix into an HDR image that reveals highlight
and shadow details.
- Adjust the settings to get the look you want: from natural-looking with
Exposure Fusion to painterly or surreal with Tone Mapping.
