Hart Codeworks Smart Shooter v2.3 英文正式版(數碼相機PC控制端軟體)
Smart Shooter讓您從電腦完全控制您的數碼相機,你完全可以在幾秒鐘內評估您的照片,和真
- 通過USB電纜遠程控制相機
- 完全控制相機設置
- 下載相機圖片並顯示在您的計算機
- 實時照片顯示的縮放/平移
- 實時顯示,包括迭加模式
- 實時顯示記錄每一幀JPEG文件
- B門拍攝,定時曝光
- JPEG和RAW文件格式
- 連接和控制多台相機
- 自動通過腳本控制
- 自動下載和預覽
Smart Shooter allows you to fully control your camera from your
PC, giving you freedom to explore and experiment to help take the
perfect picture.
Automatic download and display means you can fully evaluate your
photos in seconds, and real time live view output will help you
focus and compose the scene.
Scripting language lets you control your camera, allowing you to
take multiple photos with varying settings just by clicking a
single button.
