AVS Photo Editor v2.0.8.128 英文正式版(圖像格式轉換軟體)
Edit Photos
Resize, rotate, crop pictures without quality loss.
Play with colors, shades and tints to completely
change pictures style.
Fix Photos
Remove red eye effect in the pictures. Adjust color
balance, brightness, contrast and saturation.
Reduce Image Noises
Use the Deblur feature to sharpen or soften object
new!Microsoft Windows 7 Support
AVS Photo Editor is compatible with the latest
version of Microsoft Windows.
Apply Effects
Apply premade templates to make your pictures look
like old faded photographs. Or decide for ascetic
monochrome and get black-and-white pics.
Remove Minor Defects
Use such tools as Retouch to improve local tiny
imperfections in pictures.
Work with Various Formats
Open and easily edit such formats as JPEG, BMP,
TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc. See a full list of supported
image formats
Multilingual Support
AVS Photo Editor interface and tech-support are
available in English, French, German, Spanish and
