BenVista PhotoZoom Pro v5.06 英文正式版(一款新穎的、技術上具有革命性的對數碼圖片進行放大的軟體)
趕快來試試 PhotoZoom Pro,PhotoZoom Pro 最主要的用途,是可以幫助我們更改圖片的尺寸(通常是放大)。
但它可不單單如此,更重要的是,它可以讓我們在圖片放大後,利用其 S-Spline 技術,對圖片做補差點,
PhotoZoom Pro 是一款新穎的、技術上具有革命性的對數碼圖片進行放大的工具。通常的工具對數碼圖片進行放大時,
What’s new in PhotoZoom Pro 5:
* Enlarges and downsizes images at the highest possible quality, through BenVista’s latest S-Spline
interpolation technology. Also excels at reducing (JPEG) compression artifacts and noise from low quality originals.
* GPU acceleration: up to 5 times faster image processing!
* Resize profiles: select your favorite compilations of resize method presets and size settings with a single click
* Improved cropping: resizing specific portions of images has never been easier!
* New, more flexible interface layout
* Improved support for color profiles
* Official support for Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), Windows 8, and Photoshop CS6
Changes in PhotoZoom Pro 5.0.2 (15 Oct 2012):
- Improved: Crop window functionality
- Improved: Updated Dutch and Italian translations and manual
- Fixed: OpenCL (GPU acceleration) compatibility issue
