Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v5.0 英文正式版(圖像軟體)
新款 AdobeR PhotoshopR Lightroom? 軟體是專業攝影師必備的工具箱. 它提供了一
個管理、調整和展示大量的數位照片的簡單應用程式. 讓您可以在電腦前花費更少的
時間. 而將更多時間用於拍攝。
From first look to final image, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 makes
everything about digital photography easier, faster, and more
amazing. Perfect your shots with powerful new adjustment tools
like the Advanced Healing Brush. Efficiently organize all your
photos and share them almost anywhere. And now that Lightroom is
also available in Adobe Creative Cloud, making good shots great is
only the beginning.
