COREL PAINTSHOP PRO X6 英文正式版(Corel 專業相片編輯軟體)
check crack\install.txt
集相片管理、創意項目、相片分享及 HD 高畫質影片投影片功能於一身的專業相片編輯軟體!
如果您熱愛拍攝與製作出色的相片,Corel PaintShop Photo Pro是您絕對不能錯過的相片編輯軟體!除
了提供全新的 RAW 編輯器及簡易批量相片處理功能,也是唯一集合相片管理、創意項目、相片分享、高
畫質影片和幻燈片功能於一身的進階相片編輯軟體。Corel PaintShop Photo Pro具備專業數字攝影工作
室的水平,更是 DSLR 相機的理想伴搭配夥伴!
PaintShop Photo Pro是您提升相片和製作專業影像的最佳拍檔,現在還具備完整的 RAW 工作流程,讓您
工具處理您的相片,使作品達到完美的境界。大功告成後,您還可以透過 Project Creator 整合式項目製作
影片幻燈片、拼貼照片、電子相冊等創意項目、將文件備份到光碟、或實時上傳到 Flickr、Facebook 及
YouTube 和全世界分享。您想體驗的精彩數位生活,都可在 PaintShop Photo Pro 這套卓越的套裝軟體中
Passionate photographers can find even more ways to take photos to
the next level, with Corel PaintShop Pro X5. With powerful
photo-editing tools, incredible new instant effects, and enhanced
HDR technology, creating stunning photos has never been easier.
All-new tools include face recognition technology and the ability
to map photos to real-world locations. Streamlined design tools
let you blend images with photos and create high-quality graphics
for print, video and the web. Plus, share your images online using
new and enhanced social media features. It's all available in
PaintShop Pro X5, the perfect way to create, edit, enhance and
share unforgettable photos and designs.
