NeWest Focus Photoeditor v6.5.8 英文正式版(圖像工具封面標籤軟體)
ocus Photoeditor 使用這件工具建立 CD 或者盒式磁帶封面,背景或者小的索引卡片。它包
括編輯工具的基本的圖片,包括填滿,修剪,克隆和 噴霧。包括支援不同的文件伸展和過
Focus Photoeditor is a tool you can use to edit your image files
in a professional manner. The interface of the program is clean
and simple and you can insert an image by either using the file
browser or the "drag and drop" method.
Thus, you can use some simple tools like crop, move layer, move
selection, magic wand, geometric selection, pick color, text,
pencil, line and arrow.
You can adjust an image when it comes to colors, texture, objects
and effects (e.g. red eye reduction, brightness, saturation,
contrast, HUE, sharpen, blur, emboss, gradient).
Furthermore, you can convert gamma, apply a grayscale, negative or
equalizer, add a watermark, load scripts or enable automatic tools
(e.g. fix wizard, contrast, stretch, decontrast, white balance,
dynamic range, smooth skin).
You can also remove noise (luminance, chroma, RGB, pixel), apply
filters (e.g. glass, ripple, oil paint, sepia, twisting, bumping,
frame 3D, mirror) and transform the image (e.g. rotate,
perspective, skew, add borders, whirpool, flip, seamless).
In addition, you can create new blank layers, merge layers, import
selections from files, as well as select threshold, range,
adaptive contrast, shadows, and others.
The program has many functions you can explore, uses a moderate
amount of system resources and contains a comprehensive help file.
