THE FOUNDRY MARI V2.5V2 WIN64 英文正式版(創意紋理繪製軟體)
check crack\install.txt
MARI 是個可以處理高複雜度的創意紋理繪製工具。原創於 Weta Digital 製作公司,為
他們的紋理部門在製作 District 9 第九區、The Lovely Bones 蘇西的世界、和 Avatar
阿凡達 時,因應極度複雜、細膩的紋理設計需求而研發的。
MARI is a production proven 3D digital paint tool designed to keep
artists painting. Built from the ground up so artists can spend more
time being creative and less time managing technical issues, MARI lets
artists paint directly onto 3D models, view work in context and spend
much less time copying files back and forth between applications.
