WinTOPO v3.5.3.1 英文正式版(將光柵轉換成向量圖形的軟體)
WinTopo 是一款將光柵(Raster Image)轉換成向量(Vector)圖形的工具。WinTopo 的
的地質圖或者工程繪圖。轉換後的向量圖形可用於 AutoCAD 和 IntelliCAD 等 CAD
工具軟體。主要功能包括:輸入高達 24 位 RGB 格式點陣圖及TIFF,GIF,JPEG 等格式
文件;將光柵圖向量化為彩色線條圖;支援多種文件格式輸出,如 ARC、DXF、Mapinfo、
WinTopo Pro
A useful and high quality raster to vector conversion tool
WinTopo Pro was specially developed as a handy and powerful raster to
vector conversion utility.
WinTopo Pro manages to convert images from scanners and other digital
sources into vector data suitable for CAD, GIS and CNC systems.
You can scan old plans, archive drawings, or even photos and convert
them into useful CAD data.
Images saved under the TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG or BMP format can be
processed into DXF documents or any other type of vector format.
Here are some key features of "WinTopo Pro":
* Advanced vector extraction intelligence.
* Acquire image direct from a scanner.
* Many raster enhancement options: despeckle, fill holes, negative,
brightness etc.
* Custom thinning options.
* Additional Edge Detection options.
* Color vectors.
* Georeferencing.
* Digitising and Vector Editing.
* Level/height assignment to vectors, 3D output.
* Priority Support.
