Computerinsel PhotoLine v18.52 英文正式版(多用途圖像處理軟體)
PhotoLine 一款來自德國的圖像編輯和處理多面手,體績小,具有許多功能,操作不複
雜,而且容易使用的圖像處理軟體。支援掃瞄儀輸入、圖層等功能,PhotoLine 具有插
網頁動畫製作、向量圖製作、多頁面處理(可編輯 PDF 文件、icon 文件)等高級圖像處
PhotoLine is an image processing utility, image browser, layout
program, vector editor, batchconverter and Web editor with a
multitude of powerful functions.
PhotoLine is available as 32 or 64 bit application. Imaging
functions supported are Lab, CMYK, 16 bit channels, ICC profiles
and raw data profiles for digital cameras. PhotoLine offers all
the tools you need: Painting, cloning, filtering, blending and
flood fill, special effects like squirl, shadow, glowing, distorb,
morphing, 3d projection. Also supports, working layers, clipping
layers, dynamic layer effects. EXIF digital camera data and IPTC
data are also supported. Multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filters
and much more.
Save and read your PDF-files with PhotoLine. Create vector
graphics, add, remove, move vector points. Convert lines to
beziers, fill with pattern, etc.
PhotoLine also has an action recorder. You can record your jobs
and use the batch converter to convert them into an animated gif.
Do all your work for the Web with PhotoLine. Transparent and
animated GIFs, animations, JPEG2000, HD-Photo, Flash format (swf).
Create animated buttons, image maps, and more with PhotoLine!
