Mojosoft Software BusinessCards MX v4.94 Win2kXPVISTA7 英文正式版(商業名片製作軟體)
First Name : CLUSTER
Last Name : BLIZZARD
email : [email protected]
Code : BF655E5A-5E8506C6-3F1EC171
Mojosoft BusinessCards MX 在手,無需再找專業人士設計,自己就能 DIY 出稱心如意的名片。
Mojosoft BusinessCards MX 是一款商業名片製作軟體,能幫助你設計和列印專業的名片,軟體
界面經過特別設計,初學者也不會遇到任何問題。軟體中包含了 750 種常用的名片範本。
Business card software BusinessCards MX
This program will help to design and print a professional business
card . The interface of the program has been designed in such a way
that even a beginning user will not have problems with using the
program. The process of designing is based on inserting ready for use
elements accessible in the program such as figures, images and the
background, and freely shifting them on the prepared project. Another
advantage of the program is the possibility of saving data about a
company or people so that it can be used later while designing a
business card.
The program uses templates which you can prepare on your own, or you
can use ready models , templates of business cards accessible in it.
