Accessory Software Photo Snap v7.1 for Windows x64 英文正式版(圖片察看和編輯軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
Accessory Software Photo Snap Photo Snap 可以查找,顯示,編輯,列印和把圖片或者
相片發送到E-Mail。Accessory Software Photo Snap最新版使用說明幫助文件介紹,Photo
Snap 是一個圖片察看和編輯工具 ,帶搜索、列印、組織和email功能。可以建立轉場顯示,
Photo Snap is a Image and Multimedia Viewer for Windows XP,
Windows Vista, and Windows 7 that helps you quickly
Locate, View, Edit, Print and Send/Receive Picture/Image
Files over the Internet.
