MathSol DesktopCalc v2.1.16 英文正式版(動態邏輯代數軟體)
Find values for your equations in seconds
DesktopCalc is an enhanced, easy-to-use and powerful scientific
calculator with an expression editor, printing operation, result history
list and integrated help. DesktopCalc gives students, teachers,
scientists and engineers the power to find values for even the most
complex equation set.
Understandable and convenient interface
DesktopCalc combines fast 'just-one-click' interface with broad set of
functions. It was designed as a tool that is convenient for both
elementary and scientific calculator. DesktopCalc features include the
Possibility to enter mathematical formulas as with a keyboard as with
built-in button-panels
Scientific calculations - unlimited expression length
Syntax highlight of math expression and proper operator precedence
Parenthesis compatible
Scientific notation
Calculation range:
- maximal positive number: 1.797E+308
- minimal positive number: 2.225E-308
All functions, mathematical and physical constants can also be used
in expression
- 40 trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic and algebraic functions
- 50 built-in most common mathematical and physical constants
Clipboard smart functionality
- Cut, Copy and Paste operations
