Living Books 第二篇 電腦互動教學(CD版)(幼兒教學)

片名:(此片售價100元)Living Books 第二篇 電腦互動教學(CD版)(幼兒教學)
2011.09.30 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZCD Studio
1.The Cat in the Hat--戴帽子的貓
2.Green Eggs and Ham--綠蛋和火腿
3.seuss abc--蘇斯博士之大家來學ABC
4.The New Kid on the Block
5.The Berenstain Bears - Get in a Fight
7.Arthur's Camping Adventure
9.馬克.布朗之亞瑟的麻煩老師 [3年級篇]
Living Books系列之:Ruff's Bone
Living Books系列之:Just Grandma and Me
Living Books系列之:Arthur』s Teacher Trouble
Living Books系列之:Tortoise and the Hare
Living Books系列之:The New Kid on the Block
Living Books系列之:Little Monster at School
Living Books系列之:Arthur』s Birthday
Living Books系列之:Harry and the Haunted House
10.Maggie's Farmyard Adventure--瑪琦的農場奇遇記
11.Arthur's reading race-亞瑟的閱讀比賽