Kellyware KCam v4.0.57 英文正式版(為CNC設備而設計低成本的鑽床/銑床控制軟體)
KCam 4是一款為CNC設備而設計低成本的鑽床/銑床控制軟體,透過它的Gcode編輯畫面
設計你的工作路徑,或導入DXF、NC和PLT數據。由CAD軟體設計圖板再導入KCam 4,雙
KCam Router/Mill software is designed to run low cost hobby CNC
equipment. Program your paths using the built in Gcode editor, or import
DXF, NC, and PLT files. Create signs and plates using your CAD software
and import your work into KCam. Dual cutting depth allows for holes and
outlines to be punched out after routing. No more drilling holes for
switches or cutting plates to size before engraving.
Engrave signs, make name tags, drill printed circuit boards, mill parts,
plasma cuts, plot pictures onto paper...
