Tecplot Focus 2013 R1 v14.0.2.3336 英文正式版(工程科學繪圖軟體)
check crack\install.txt
Tecplot Focus 是一個支援多個平台的產品,讓客戶能完整的掌控各種的功能,繪製出任何想
Tecplot Focus gets you answers faster. It enables you to
quickly plot all your engineering and test data exactly the way
you want. Analyze and explore complex datasets, arrange
multiple XY, 2D and 3D plots, and communicate your results to
colleagues and management with brilliant, high-quality output.
Save even more time and effort by automating routine data
analyses and plotting tasks. Available on Windows, Linux and
Mac, Tecplot Focus meets the needs of your multi-platform
engineering group.
Tecplot Focus is engineering plotting software that allows you
to quickly plot all your engineering and test data exactly the
way you want. Featuring extensive XY, 2D and 3D capabilities,
Tecplot Focus is designed for measured field data, performance
plotting of test data, mathematical analysis, and engineering
plotting in general.
