SFTC DEFORM V10.2 英文正式版(分析金屬形狀, 熱處理,機械電腦化軟體)
check crack\install.txt
DEFORM 是一款工程類軟體,允許設計者分析金屬形狀, 熱處理,機械電腦化。 SFTC 為你
DEFORM is an engineering software that enables designers to
analyze metal forming, heat treatment, machining and
mechanical joining processes on the computer rather than
the shop floor using trial and error. Process simulation
using DEFORM has been instrumental in cost, quality and
delivery improvements at leading companies for two decades.
Today's competitive pressures require companies to take
advantage of every tool at their disposal. DEFORM has
proven itself to be extremely effective in a wide range of
research and industrial applications. Scientific Forming
Technologies Corporation (SFTC) develops and supports the
DEFORM System. SFTC is available for consulting, training,
contract simulation and software development on a project
