VERO WORKXPLORE V4.1 WIN32 英文正式版(CAD數據瀏覽器和分析器軟體)
WorkXPlore 3D 是當今市場上最強大、功能最全面的高速 CAD數據瀏覽器和分析器
WorkXPlore 3D 性能卓越,功能強大,並且速度驚人! 該軟件專為顯著提高產品生命週
WorkXPlore 3D 是通過高度協作性和高效率的途徑將產品引入市場的基本工具。
該軟件不僅易於使用,更為不熟悉 CAD 的用戶設計,使其能輕鬆瀏覽任何類型的
2D/3D CAD 文件。
借助 WorkXPlore,您可以在 3D 零件上進行各種測量,使用其高級分析功能確定出
由於可以直接向 3D 模型添加立體和幾何測量值、註釋和標籤,您不再需要 2D 圖
有了 WorkXPlore 3D,您還可以將 3D 零件和裝配文件通過小巧、獨立的應用程序
借助因特網傳送給分包商、客戶或合作夥伴。收到文件後,他們可以立即顯示 3D
WorkXPlore 3D 可以極快的速度打開和處理大型(甚至是超大型)3D 文件。
The most powerful, high-speed CAD file viewer and analyzer
WorkXplore 3D is distinguished by having a powerful combination of ful
feature capabilities, highest overall functionality, and incredible
speed. It is specifically developed to dramatically increase
collaboration, productivity and effectiveness throughout your cross-
functional product development activities including: design, process
development, manufacturing, quality, sales and customer communication,
purchasing, product documentation and others.
The software is very easy to use and is designed for users who are not
necessarily CAD experts to enable them to explore any type of 2D or 3D
CAD file.
