DeskArtes Data Expert v10.2.0.19 X64 英文正式版(CAD文件進行修復、轉換和操作的專業軟體)
3Data Expert是一款適用於Rapid Prototyping針對3D CAD文件進行修復、轉換和操作的專業工具。
3Data Expert is a professional tool for repair, conversion
and manipulation of 3D CAD data for 3D printing, Rapid
Prototyping, Rapid Manufacturing as well as for simulation.
DeskArtes 3Data Expert is used by major desing,
manufacturing, automotive, consumer etc. companies around
the world. 3Data Expert repair technology is also utilized
by largest 3D Printer manufacturers, like Z Corporation.
With 3Data Expert 3D surface models can be triangulated
into accurate triangle representation. Triangulated models
can be repaired with efficient and easy to use tools into
correct solid data by following the instructions given by
automatic contex sensitive help. Colors and Textures can be
added on the 3D models with most advaced tools on the
market. Correct triangle models can be manipulated for
optimal print with splitting, connecting, hollowing and
support generation tools, for example.
