IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2015 v17.0 英文正式版(CAD軟體)
IronCAD 是美國IronCAD公司的產品,對於複雜的燃氣輪機,包括了複雜曲面造
和電路】,很快就能讓你搞定,說明了 IronCAD 提供的特色很多,新的拖放 3D
IronCAD's mission has and continues to be the creation of award winning
3D Design Collaboration Solutions that lead the industry in their
ease-of-use and design productivity. If you are interested in the fastest
and easiest way to use 3D design solutions available today, IronCAD is
the obvious choice.
The IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite is a complete range of products
that include IRONCAD, INOVATE, IRONCAD DRAFT, and IronCADs latest
addition IRONCAD COMPOSE. This integrated suite provides real
collaboration between 2D and 3D enabling users to communicate design data
seamlessly throughout their design process within their organization and
IRONCAD - Utilizing a breakthrough approach to creative design, IRONCAD
is the productivity leader for moving creative ideas into 3D reality.
IRONCAD offers a level of design freedom that is unmatched in the
industry today. It is the tool of choice for design engineers when
deadlines are tight and a high degree of unanticipated change is
expected. IRONCAD's drag and drop 3D environment provides a fresh
alternative to traditional history-based parametric systems; delivering
unmatched ease of use and superior productivity
