Stat-Ease Design Expert v10.0.3.1 X64 英文正式版(交互式二維圖形軟體)
check crack\install.txt
轉的3 d繪圖。設立自己的旗幟,探索交互式二維圖形輪廓;並利用數值優化功能同時找到
Stat-Ease, Inc. welcomes you to version 10 of Design-Expert software
(DX10) for design of experiments (DOE). Use this Windows-based program to
optimize your product or process. It provides many powerful statistical
tools, such as:
Two-level factorial screening designs: Identify the vital factors
that affect your process or product so you can make breakthrough
General factorial studies: Discover the best combination of
categorical factors, such as source versus type of raw material supply.
Response surface methods (RSM): Find the optimal process settings to
achieve peak performance.
Mixture design techniques: Discover the ideal recipe for your product
Combinations of process factors, mixture components, and categorical
factors: Mix your cake (with different ingredients) and bake it too!
Your Design-Expert program offers rotatable 3D plots to easily view
response surfaces from all angles. Use your mouse to set flags and
explore the contours on interactive 2D graphs. Our numerical optimization
function finds maximum desirability for dozens of responses simultaneously!
You'll find a wealth of statistical details within the program itself via
various Help screens. Take advantage of this information gold mine that
is literally at your fingertips. Also, do not overlook the helpful
annotations provided on all reports.
