Reg Software Automobile Tracker v7.0 英文正式版(汽車養護軟體)
參數資訊.比如.發動機型號等各項資訊,維護提醒器( Maintenance reminders)它可
顯示出英里數和日期,讓你確定何時保養汽車,它並不包含Auto Maintenance Plus中
This straightforward program lets you enter and track
information about your automobile. Maintenance reminders bases
on mileage and/or dates can be displayed. It doesn't contain
all of the Plus information contained in Auto Maintenance Plus,
but if all you need is to track information on your
automobiles, this is the program for you. New backup and
restore utilities added to each function, select either miles
or kilometers in auto maintenance deluxe function and more. Now
add photos to several functions
