MeMedia SpeedBurn Disc Maker v3.0.1 英文正式版(燒錄軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
保留寶貴的數據燒錄成DVD/音頻 /影片
刻錄數據或媒體音頻 CD的CD / DVD和RIP。強大的
ISO工具幫助您建立 ISO,複製從 CD / DVD的國際標準化組織(ISO)和
燒掉。 SpeedBurn光碟製造商提供普遍支援
Preserve precious data/audio/video by burning them into DVD
with SpeedBurn Disc Maker and share these priceless moments
with friends and family! This is an easy and fast way to
burn data or media CD/DVD and rip audio CD. The powerful
ISO tools help you create ISO, copy ISO from CD/DVD and
burn them. SpeedBurn Disc Maker provides universal support
for all types of discs. The wizard-style interface helps
solve your disc creation and backup problem in a flash.
