Change Vision Astah Professional v6.5.1 英文正式版(UML建模工具軟體)
Astah Professional是一款全新的輕量級UML建模工具,支援 UML1.4 規範中定義的所有圖,
並且創新地集成了思維導圖和 UML 。採用 100% 純 JAVA 構建的 JUDE 可以實現跨平台應用。
JUDE 不僅能夠實現分佈式建模、項目合併,還能夠實現和其它建模工具的交互。 JUDE 的 JAVA
雙向工程功能更是可以減輕開發人員的工作量。 除了在功能上表現出眾,內容豐富的使用手冊
讓本身就極易上手的 JUDE 更容易被用戶所接受。
Astah Professional 功能強大,支援 UML1.4中所有圖和主要的圖形,元模(Meta Model)及屬
Astah Professional 是100% 純 Java 應用程式,可以跨平台在各種主流作業系統中使用。支援
OMG XMI標準格式,可以與其它建模工具交互模型。為方便用戶書寫 Office 文檔,軟體支援以
Microsoft EMF 增強圖元拷貝粘貼至 Microsoft Office,也可以將模型資訊導出到 Office
Excel。軟體提供了內容豐富的使用手冊,全面查看 Astah Professional 所有的功能。
簡單,友好,強大,輕快,高效,以人為本,這就是Astah Professional最大的特色,提高你的
UML 建模效率.
The next step in universal modeling, Astah Professional is an
intuitive platform that creates highly-stimulating
presentation tools that increases productivity and
understanding through a wide variety of diagrams. Imagine
clear, crisp illustrations of your project that translate the
complexities of both your business and your software at a mere
Astah Professional takes your project and briskly reimagines
and reforms it into a variety of diagrams that can be flipped
through at a click; Mind Maps, Flowcharts, ER diagrams, CRUD,
Requirement Diagrams and more. Suddenly your project can be
easily accessed from a myriad of perspectives, promoting a new
level of understanding, and communication within your team.
Easily creating and editing these powerful diagrams is at the
core of Astah Professional's design with features like
free-hand 'drawing', highlighting, alignment guides, and
traceability maps. Additionally, Astah Professional focuses
team development with functions that make it simple to merge
files from team members, or to upload diagrams to web
browsers. This allows each member of your team to communicate
and present as effectively as the whole.
Astah Professional is comprehensive, one tool to translate all
of your ideas. Download our free trial today and see the
difference for yourself.
