NorthStar Solutions Macro Mania v13.3.3 英文正式版(自動化工作排定軟體)
Bauer Lindemann
Macro Mania 是一套巨集工具集軟體,能執行或啟動程式、向任何一套程式發送點
選結果、程式間訊息傳輸、讀寫、複製、刪除、更名檔案和資料夾、操作 Windows
Macro Mania 能夠讓你快速的完成電腦工作。能啟動新程式,或正在執行的程式;
輸入到任何一個 Windows 程式。Macro Mania 還有工作排定並具備有組織的說明
Macro Mania This award-winning program will save you time
and money as you automate your computer tasks with macros.
Whether you are looking for a personal productivity tool
or, like many of our corporate customers, need a powerful,
reliable program to automate tasks in a professional
environment, Macro Mania is your solution.
