Cloanto Amiga Forever v2012.2.8.0 Plus Edition 英文正式版(作業系統軟體)
1986 年成立的意大利軟體研發商 Cloanto Italia srl 發佈了其最新款作業系統 Amiga Forever
2010 ,聲稱該系統無需更改就能直接用於 OLPC 組織的 XO 筆記本。Amiga Forever 整合了多個
Amiga 模擬環境,包括 Windows、Mac OS、Linux 等平台,並自帶多種豐富的應用程式,如
Kickstart、Workbench 等等,更有大量的遊戲和影片。Amiga Forever CD 是屢獲獎項的 Amiga 的
保存版,模擬器,和支援包,自 1986 年起由 Cloanto 的 Amiga 開發人員製作。
Amiga Forever is the award-winning Amiga emulator, preservation and
support package brought to you by Cloanto, Amiga developers since 1986.
Have you ever wondered what Workbench 1.0 looked like, or how the most
influential personal computing magazine of the 1980s introduced the
Amiga to the world?
Would you (or a colleague) be surprised if you saw your PC booting as
an Amiga, instead of Windows?
