SerialSafe v11.3.0.3 英文正式版(序列號管理軟體)
SerialSafe 是一個便攜式軟體序列號/許可管理器. 允許您儲存序列號, 許可號碼和程式數據
該軟體允許您保存所有敏感的軟體註冊資訊到一個地方. 本軟體無需安裝,從而能在USB隨身盤
和其他便攜式媒體上方便使用 (甚至是網路存儲). 為IT專業人士量身定制.
- 所有新的重新設計的用戶界面
- 資產管理
- 自定義輸入字段
- 增加檢查更新功能
- 添加搜索功能
- 增加常用功能的快捷鍵
- 快速導出和選擇性導出功能
- 列印產品資訊功能
- 嵌入安裝到數據庫裡
- 通過新的設置對話方塊,建立控制默認設置
SerialSafe is a portable software serial/license manager. The
program allows you to store serial numbers, license numbers
and license files directly into the programs database. This
allows users to keep all their sensitive software
registration information in one place. The software does not
require installation thus making it portable for use on USB
sticks and other portable media (even web storage). A feature
that comes in handy for IT professionals.
The SerialSafe database can be password protected and
encrypted to prevent access from unauthorized sources. The
serial numbers also have the ability to be "masked" to
prevent others from being able to access sensitive data if
the application is left unattended. With this feature
enabled, users can require a password to unmask.
![SerialSafe v11.3.0.3 英文正式版(序列號管理軟體)](/softimage/CQC4258.jpg)